Capcom deekt nieuwe info over Onimusha 2: Samurai’s Destiny remaster

Onlangs kondigde Capcom aan dat Onimusha 2: Samurai’s Destiny een remaster zou krijgen. De game zou ergens dit jaar moeten verschijnen.

Eerder liet Capcom alleen een korte trailer zien, maar vandaag heeft het bedrijf nieuwe beelden laten zien, dankzij een nieuwe trailer.

In deze nieuwe trailer komt regisseur Motohide Eshiro aan het woord: hij vertelt meer over hoe hij deze remaster heeft aangepakt én hij stelt de nieuwe ‘Hell-mode’ voor. Die modus is exact wat je ervan verwacht: een enorm moeilijke uitdaging die enkel voor de die-hard spelers is weggelegd. Bekijk de trailer hieronder.

The trailer showcased the Director’s Cut featuring Motohide Eshiro and the all-new “Hell” mode. In this mode players will experience a challenging new difficulty for only the bravest of samurai where a single hit means instant death. Onimusha 2: Samurai’s Destiny returns with an enhanced remaster set to captivate a new generation.

Onimusha 2: Samurai’s Destiny, the highly acclaimed, best-selling hack and slash game from Capcom’s classic samurai action series, originally released in 2002 and combines rich narrative and intense demon-slaying combat that made it a standout in the Onimusha franchise. Blending historical figures and supernatural folklore in feudal Japan, the story follows a new hero, master swordsman Jubei Yagyu, who sets out on a quest to defeat Nobunaga Oda and his army of demons. As players engage in intense swordplay, they must also make choices that impact the narrative in unexpected ways.

Onimusha 2: Samurai’s Destiny also features a range of new game mechanics, including an affinity system with Jubei’s allies and branching narrative paths along with new quality-of-life features such as the ability to swap weapons without pausing the action and the power to choose when Jubei transforms into an Onimusha. Modern improvements like auto-saves, skippable cutscenes, multiple aspect ratios, and more are included, along with an in-game gallery expansion with 100 newly added pieces of artwork and the original soundtrack.

Additionally, Capcom revealed a special bonus for players who pre-order Onimusha 2: Samurai’s Destiny or pick up the “Onimusha 1+2 Pack” bundle early, which will include the “Onimusha 2: Orchestra Album Selection Pack,” featuring orchestral music tracks and helpful in-game items. Players with save data from the 2019 remaster of Onimusha: Warlords can also unlock a special outfit for Jubei inspired by Samanosuke, the protagonist from the original game.

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